RGC Handicap Policy

RGC is following the New World Handicap System adopted by the USGA. The following is the RGC Policy effective 1/1/2024.


All scores for “Match Play” and “Stroke Play” are required to be posted.

Members are required to post a score for every “9-Hole” or “18-Hole” round that is played. You are required to post your score the same day the round is played.

The maximum actual score you can record in the computer for any given hole is “Net Double Bogey”. When posting your “Total Score”, you need to adjust your score prior to posting. If you are posting your score “Hole by Hole”, the GHIN system will automatically adjust your score for you based on your individual Course Handicap.

NEW FOR 2024

You must play a full “9 holes” to post a 9-hole score. You must play a full “18 holes” to post an 18-hole score. (If you only play 10 – 17 holes, you can only post a 9-hole score).

The use of your course handicap and the hole difficulty in determining a “hole score” for holes not played, is no longer valid for 9 or 18 hole scores.

9-hole scores must be posted “hole by hole” and will be used to create an 18 hole differential overnight. The next day, your 9-hole score will be used in calculating your Handicap Index. 

(9-hole scores no longer sit idle waiting for another 9-hole score to be posted).


Members are required to post all Tournament Scores as “C” – Competition Scores.


Throughout the year, the Handicap Committee will perform random audits. The audit will review the following:

  • Posting a score when a round is played.
  • Posting a score the same day the round is played.

At the end of each Golf Season, every Member will be audited to ensure every round posted was posted the same day the round was played.


Penalties can be assessed for failure to follow the above rules. Penalties can include the posting of “Penalty Scores” or multiple “Penalty Scores depending on the severity of the infraction.

Repeated violations of the above Policy can result in the Suspension of your Handicap Privileges.


Your Handicap Index can be modified on a case-by-case basis due to an illness or temporary/permanent disability. Any individual can request to have his Handicap Index modified for the above reasons. The request needs to be made in writing, (email) to the Handicap Chairman or any member of the Handicap Committee.

If you have any questions, please contact Al Fazi, RGC Handicap Chairman via email: alfazi@att.net